Mergers & Acquisitions
We advise clients on M&A, disposals, demergers, joint ventures, restructurings, corporate governance operations. Our M&A practice group is organised to coordinate, as applicable with its leading correspondent law firms, all aspects of cross-border transactions.
Our practice includes :
Stucturing operations and financing
Pre-acquisition audits and "Vendor due diligence"
Draft and negotiation of the transaction documentation
De-structuring periphery activities from core acquisitions
Identifyng and coordinating advice for international transactions
Support during post-closing integration
Post-closing management of liability guarantees,
«earn-out» clauses, etc.
Private Equity
Our lawyers advise numerous clients on their Private Equity transactions. Their thorough knowledge of the mechanisms of private equity financing and of all Tax and Labour Law aspects related, enable our lawyers to offer clients a comprehensive service.s.
Our practice includes :
Pre-transaction Due diligence reviews and Vendor due diligence,
Drafting and negotiating the contractual documentation (Investment deed, Shareholders agreements, deed for the issue of convertible bonds and other titles, service agreements...),
Drafting and negotiating the Corporate law documentation (shareholders decisions, articles of association...)
Drafting and negociating the bkan loan agreements and related documents ;
Management of Post-closing, shareholder agreements and equity accounts.
Assistance offered by our team covers all aspects of Corporate Law, including :
Incorporation of French companies (SAS, SARL, SA, SC....)
Legal secrétariat: Shareholders' meetings, approval of accounts and modification of the articles of association, follow-up of formalities, coordination with auditors and accountants, etc.
Updating legal registers, movement of shares,
Intra-group relations : cash-flow agreements, service provision agreements
Security issues